The Family Pet Vet


De-sexing Your Pet

Many advantages come with having your pet desexed—the team here at the Marius Small Animal Veterinary Clinic in Tamworth strongly encourages our clients to opt for pet desexing. To help you to develop a better understanding of why it’s so important to have your pet desexed, we’ve put together a helpful guide below.


Health benefits of pet desexing


By having your pet desexed, you are also helping to prevent a range of health problems and diseases developing, specifically in regards to their reproductive organs. When a female has been desexed, she is less likely to develop uterine infections, ovarian cysts and mammary cancers. In male pets, desexing can potentially mean a decline in the chance of prostate problems developing. It has even been found in some cases, an animal’s life expectancy is greater in those that are desexed.


Behavioural benefits of pet desexing


Pet desexing is also hugely beneficial when it comes to behaviour. Cats and dogs that have been desexed will have less of an urge to roam, become aggressive or leave urine markings. If your pet isn’t trying to escape and roam around at night, this will also mean they will be far less likely of being injured or hit by a car. A desexed male cat will also be less likely to get into fights with other cats, reducing the chance of them being bitten and developing an infection.


Prevent unwanted litters


Animal shelters around the country take in thousands upon thousands of unwanted cats and dogs each year as a result of unplanned breeding. If you don’t want to further contribute to this sad number, it’s recommended to have your pet desexed. Dogs can potentially become pregnant as early as 6 months old and cats by 4 months. So ensure that you discuss with your vet to the best age of which to desex your pet. (Recommending may vary depending on the breed of your pet.)

The bonus of having your pet desexed


Along with the many health and behavioural benefits of having your pet desexed, a spayed pet will generally also be cheaper to insure and your local council will likely have cheaper rates for registering a desexed pet.

Don’t forget pocket pets, such as rabbits and ferret will also benefit form desexing.


Would you like to know more about pet desexing?


At Marius Small Animal Veterinary Clinic in Tamworth, our experienced team is here to assist with your pet desexing requirements. If you’re wanting more information on our pet desexing services or you would like to make an appointment, get in touch with us today by phoning the clinic on 02 6766 7228.

Bonnie Douglas