The Family Pet Vet



They say a dog is a man’s best friend—but unfortunately, a dog isn’t a suitable pet choice for everyone! Dogs, particularly some breeds more than others, are extremely high energy and therefore require large amounts of attention and time spent exercising. If you don’t have the time or energy to provide a dog with the level of exercise he requires, it is best to consider another pet option. For example, have you thought about a pocket pet?

What is a pocket pet?

The term ‘pocket pet’ usually refers to any type of small mammal that can be kept as a pet, so here in Australia, this usually includes rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets. When considering a new pet for yourself or family, a pocket pet probably isn’t going to be the first idea that springs to mind. This is unfortunate because many advantages come with pocket pets!

Benefits of a pocket pet:

• When compared to a dog or cat, a pocket pet will be a significantly lower maintenance option. If you don’t have time to take a dog for a walk every day, a pocket pet may be your ideal solution.

• Pocket pets take up little room and are therefore perfect if you live in a small apartment or unit with no outdoor area.

• Unlike a dog that will potentially dig up the backyard and leave droppings to be picked up, a pocket pet will keep his mess inside the enclosure.

• A pocket pet will be a more economical choice when it comes to feeding and caring for them in general.

Caring for your pocket pet

So, you’ve decided a pocket pet is a perfect solution for your family. Now, you should educate yourself on how to properly care for your new furry friend. Rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets will all require regular vet check-ups to ensure that any diseases are caught early and can be properly treated.

Like cats and dogs, pocket pets also require parasite control. Rabbits and ferret also require vaccinations. Always be sure to ask your vet for advice when it comes to caring for your pocket pet as proper housing and diet is very important

Here at Marius Small Animal Veterinary Clinic in Tamworth, we regularly see pocket pets at our practice along with all other types of small domestic animals including cats and dogs. For all enquiries or to book your pocket pet in with our team, be sure to get in touch with us today on 02 6766 7228.

Bonnie Douglas