The Family Pet Vet



Here at Marius Small Animal Veterinary Clinic, the ongoing health and safety of our clients, their pets, and the dedicated team members that serve the community, is our top priority. We are committed to maintaining a clean and sanitary environment and adhere to a strict standard of protocols to achieve this.

The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a concern, and we are following guidelines from local, national and international health authorities and putting together policy’s to help alleviate the risk of exposure and to safeguard you, our client, at our clinic.

  • We are asking any staff members that are feeling unwell with cold or flu like symptoms to stay at home.

  • If you are feeling any symptoms such as flu, cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, please call the clinic so that we can reschedule your appointment.  If someone else is to bring in your pet, please make sure payment arrangements have been made.

  •     We have put extra policies in place to ensure that our hospital is cleaned and sanitized to meet the health guidelines for Covid-19 prevention. We are confident that this these procedures will keep our work environment safe for all those who are in it healthy.

  •        Hand sanitizer is available in the reception & clinic area for our clients to use.

  •        If possible, when attending an appointment, please come to the clinic by yourself with your pet and not bring family or friends.

  •        We have put in place the ‘no hand shake’ rule so please do not be offended if we do not shake your hand.

  •       If you need to order medications please pay over the phone and arrange a time for pick up with staff so they can have it ready for you. If you do not want to enter the clinic, phone us when you arrive and we can bring your supplies out to you. Please be aware that we can be busy and there may be a small delay in bringing out the medication/product to you.

  •       If you have concerns about visiting our clinic or waiting with your pet, please call ahead to discuss any available options.

  • Please refer to the AVA, Australian Veterinary Association For up-to-date guidance on Coronavirus,

We will continue monitor the rapidly evolving Covid-19 situation and you provide updates as more information and guidelines become available as we continue to

From all of us at Marius Small Animal Veterinary Clinic

Bonnie Douglas